Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Dating Disaster

Dating Disaster

                                                           "Come on, let's get out of her"
                                                 "Hyung, can I sleep on your sholder?" "Nae"

Maid Cafe: KPOPchinno Latte!: Eunhae Week

Maid Cafe: KPOPchinno Latte!: Eunhae Week: Admin Says: Eunhae Week Already End Eunhae week had ended and we hope latte enjoy and excited at this week.We also hope all latte will suppo...

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Kyumin wifey's 블로그: Happy Birthday Zhou Mi a.k. a Ju Myuk!!! :3

Kyumin wifey's 블로그: Happy Birthday Zhou Mi a.k. a Ju Myuk!!! :3: belated Happy Birthday Super Junior's Mimi!!! awww i'm really to late for this T________T the one who cleans after Henry messes the room ...
                                                                 Me and my hyungs ^^
                                                             Happy birthday Hayato XD

Saturday, 20 August 2011

나와 내 형제 (우리 미친 수면 습관)

                                                          I knew I shoul'nt drink too much... ==
                                                           Fresh and clean in the morning ^^
                                                       My hyung sleep like a pig XD
                                                         Hey, who took this picture! >,<
                                                          Omo, hyung got nice muscle
                                             Hey, you know we're under age to drink so much
                                                           Hyung sleep like a "pro"